Wildrok is a company that resides in the good old USA with products that are made here at home. High quality glass is blown into each bong or piece so you can be sure that your money is going towards something useful. Apart from smoking pieces, Wildrok also offers various glass smoking accessories that enhance your experience. Smoking from one of these is incredibly smooth due to their inline diffusers and other bells and whistles that make these bongs great.

Wildrok Glass Bongs Straight Tube with Ice Notches

straight ice bongThis is a no nonsense bong from Wildrok that gets the job done at an affordable price. The ice notches provide an excellent ice catcher that will smooth your hit out to perfection. While it may not have any percolators, the hits from this bong are still forces to be reckoned with. This bong is made from premium duran pyrex so its stability is unmatched. A sandblasted logo adds a bit of flare to this bong while the diffuser downstem and ice pinch martini slide make your smoking easier.

Wildrok Bongs – 6 Arm Percolator Sold Out

big bongThe six arm percolator is this bong’s most unique feature. Wildrok always aim to bring something new and special to the customer, and this one certainly delivers. With this percolator, your hits will become infinitely smoother by giving the smoke more surface area within the bong. Like the last bong, this one also comes with an ice pinch martini slide and diffuser downstem. Ice notches put this bong over the top so you will not even feel all of the smoke you are smoking.

Wildrok Glass Mini Tree Tube Sold Out

cool bongThis bong from Wildrok also features the stunning six arm percolator that customers have grown to love so much. A unique flare is added to this piece in the bent cylinder. If you are looking for value first and foremost when shopping for your bong, then this Wildrok model is right up your alley. 5mm thick duran glass is used to make this bong so it will last for a long time. The sandblasted logo on the cylinder makes this bong all the more beautiful.

Wildrok Mini Beaker Sold Out

The mini beaker model is one that has stood up to the test of time. No matter how old it is, this design always remains an old favorite with smokers. The Schott Duran glass from which this bong is made is truly of the best quality available and it is an impressive 5 mm thick. Ice notches and a beautifully sandblasted logo complete this bong in a great way. This bong is a great for the price because of all the extra parts the bong has. But in the end, being a Wildrok is what will make it sell.mini beaker bong