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Month: December 2013

PTSD Off the Medical Marijuana List?!

In most of the states with medical marijuana programs in our country, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is an accepted condition that one can treat with medical marijuana. But New Mexico wants to change this rule in their state. If this idea is passed, then it’s only a matter of time before other non physical conditions like depression and anxiety are removed from the list of accepted ailments which one can treat with marijuana. Medical Marijuana in New Mexico There are over 3,000 medical marijuana patients in New Mexico that suffer from PTSD today. Taking their medicine away is simply not right. Many people have tried pill after pill, and the only thing that really treats their symptoms is marijuana. Many PTSD sufferers and medical marijuana patients are forming a campaign called Don’t Take Away Our Medicine. This campaign ought to help get the message out there that PTSD is a real disorder that marijuana can treat. In order to allow continued access to this medicine that many people need, members of the campaign are urging all New Mexican residents to provide a signature and to tell the Governor and Secretary of Rights to deny this crazy request to remove PTSD as an accepted medical marijuana ailment. Real Life Stories Michael Innis served in the General Infantry and was awarded a Purple Heart after the convoy he was traveling with got hit...

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How to Store and Cure Weed!

The Los Angeles Kush Expo has been kind enough to show us some of their newest devices for curing buds. Curing weed is a great way to increase the potency and the shelf life of any weed. This cannabis could be some that you’ve grown yourself, or purchased at one of your local medical marijuana dispensaries. If you want to have the best weed, then you really need to cure it to make it last. CVault Technology This amazing little container is a cultivator’s best friend. Recently shown off at the Kush Expo, this thing is perfect for storing and curing weed. It is airtight and impenetrable by light ensuring an optimal environment for your buds. There is even a humidity pack that will adjust the moisture in the container up or down until it reaches 62% relative humidity. These are the best conditions in which to store your buds if you intend to use them later. When curing marijuana, the end product can either turn out old and dry, or perfectly cured and potent. These CVault containers make sure that you have a successful cure every time. For any cultivator or marijuana, these things are an absolute necessity. The Kush Expo At the Kush Expo, Terra Hollistic offered samples of buds they had been curing for only a month. The resulting weed was fluffy and sticky with a...

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Weed as a Medicine!

Even though there are many medical marijuana dispensaries all over the country, the US still classifies marijuana as a Schedule 1 controlled substance. This means that it has no accepted medical uses and is nothing more than a drug. Marijuana has been used as medicine since before recorded history and continues to be used as such today, even if our government doesn’t want us to. It’s about time we start looking to the past to see what marijuana can really do for those in pain. Marijuana in the Early Years Marijuana was added to the United States Pharmacopeia in 1850. It was clear that this was a powerful form of treatment capable of treating many ailments and diseases. Many physicians during this time would prescribe cannabis as their first choice for many conditions. Smoking weed has been helping man kind get through the day since before we can all remember. The Poison act in 1913 was one of the first steps to outlawing cannabis which made it illegal to produce or to be in possession of marijuana extracts and other narcotic forms of the plant. California was the first of many states to outlaw cannabis in the United States and it remains this way to this day. Fear and Ignorance Even though marijuana had proven to be a great tool in the medical field, there were people who wanted...

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