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Month: September 2013

College Kids Use Weed?!

In today’s world, marijuana is so widely consumed that even famous people are getting in trouble for a little pot. To most of us, smoking weed is not a very big deal, but anything the media gets its hands on is gonna be chopped and twisted up to their liking. Some of the more recent headlines involving marijuana include the famous Michael Phelps story. This Olympic swimmer had nothing but good publicity before snapped a photo of him ripping a bong at a party. Now the whole world knows that this gold medalist is in fact a pot head. As I just said, this is not very big news to the rest of us. But Phelps will forever have to live in the public’s eye from now on just because of that one choice he made. Marijuana in Today’s Culture It is no secret that weed is used very often by many different people these days. The acceptance for this plant is only growing and many expect it to reach full legality some time soon. The problem with this is that some people simply do not understand the recreational use of marijuana that goes on under everyone’s nose. Because of claims made ages ago, people are still under the silly assumption that marijuana is more detrimental to one’s health than alcohol is. This is of course not the case at all. Alcohol has...

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LA Confidential – Strain Review

Smoking good weed is a privilege that not every one gets to have so you need to enjoy when you get the chance. A lot of people prefer quantity over quality when purchasing their bud, but a little expensive weed goes a long way. This is especially true if you have been smoking the worse weed to get more of it so why not try something else for a change? The taste is the first thing one notices when they exhale their hit, and it is incredibly different depending on the quality of weed you get. Bad weed will often leave you with a gross aftertaste long after you have finished smoking it. If you have had this problem, then maybe it’s time to start smoking something a little better. LA Confidential Strain Review Having just packed some of this LA Confidential in to a bowl and smoked it, I’m pretty confident in my abilities to assess. My first impression of the weed was great, it looks very green and crystally and is well groomed. The smell is just as good, very skunky and potent. But I have got to tell you, the best thing about this bud is the high! A friend and I smoked two bowls and I’m high off my ass right now as I type this! There are few times that I can remember being...

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The Cannabis Cup!

As the crowd grew outside of High Times’ Medical Cannabis Cup in Denver, Colorado, there was lots of speculation as to what the gathering would be like this year. The weather was no disappointment as the shone down on the cup for two straight days while the festivities were had. The event was held in the same place as it was the previous year; the EXDO Events Center. Many people were excited about the location of the Cannabis Cup and rightfully so. The recent cup held in Los Angeles as well as the recent passing of 4/20, the national stoner holiday were both contributing factors to the massive turn out of the event. Needless to say, this was one of the most successful Cannabis Cups in history and this only adds to the excitement for future events. Turn Out and Festivities As the Cannabis Cup is so widely known these days, the amount of people that showed up for the event was truly remarkable. The main room of the cup was separated from another in which patients were allowed to partake in the medical cannabis if a valid medical marijuana license was provided. This ensured that all of the stoners could have a good time while others could just stand back and watch if they so chose. The cup also featured many dabs which are high potency concentrates that...

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The Infamous Earth Bong!

There are all kinds of way to smoke when it comes down to it. Typically, glass is the most popular option but there are whole variety of other options that work just as well. The reason that glass is used so often over other materials is because glass will not melt over prolonged exposure to fire like many of the cheaper materials do. Acrylic is another interesting option that will not shatter from a fall as glass does. But glass is still a much more sturdy bong material in all other cases. One material that you will want to stay away from is plastic. Over time, small amounts of plastic will actually burn up with your weed. I’ve heard of things as strange as an apple, but never have I seen anything as creative as the earth bong. Constructing the Bong In order to make one of these earth bongs in honor of Earth Day, you will first need a small patch of exposed earth. Dig two separate holes in the ground about a foot apart. The larger the distance between the holes, the larger the chamber will be but a greater chance of the whole thing breaking will also be present. Connect the two holes using a stick or some other long, thin device and get ready for the hit of your life. Next, you will need a plastic water bottle to...

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420’s Glory!

With the national weed holiday having come and gone, let’s take a little time to reflect on what it is we love so much about smoking it. If not for the 420 idea, stoners everywhere would never have an excuse to get up and light up his or her bong. But thankfully, this marijuana icon functioning as both a date and a time of day lets us all get stoned at a more reasonable time than we might otherwise. Around 4:20 PM, many people feel that the hour of smoking weed has begun as the day is drawing to a close but not yet done. The date is a nationally recognized holiday on which thousands of stoners from around the country unite and light up a blunt to their favorite music. More Than a Tradition Most people like to think of this holiday or time of day as just that and nothing more. But in fact, this could not be farther from the truth about 420 culture. Smoking is a great way to sit back and relax at the end of the day when there is nothing left to do. Until recently, marijuana was a much beloved drug by all until the plant started becoming labeled as a drug as early as the 1860’s. From then on, marijuana has slowly grown more and more unfavorable in the eye of the...

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