Former judge Jim Gray is the new libertarian vice presidential candidate. This man has always been well respected by everyone, especially at his job as a judge in Orange County, California. This week, Gray will be speaking about cannabis prohibition in Missouri at the four campaign events there this week. I’m sure we all can’t wait to hear what vice presidential candidate Jim Gray has to say on this very controversial topic!

Former Judge Jim Gray

libertarian partyThis man has been a marijuana activist for a very long time now and has made it the basis for his political career. This is exactly the kind of vice president that we smokers want! Jim Gray is sure to make legalizing marijuana one of his top priorities as vice president if the Libertarians are elected into the white house for the first time ever! While people always seem doubtful that this will happen, it just takes that one spark to start a fire. Perhaps Jim Gray’s anti marijuana ideas are that spark! If we were to elect a Libertarian president, this country would be in an unprecedented time of change. Some people would undoubtedly be unhappy with the result, but most people would simply wait and see what happens during this big change. The legalization of marijuana is something that will help us overcome our massive deficits as a country.

Vice Presidential Nominee Jim Gray

jim weed manWhile his title might have changed, Jim Gray is still the same marijuana loving man that presided over the court in Orange County, California. Many people are excited about this nomination because it is not every day that someone with a strong political stance for marijuana gets nominated for such a high honor. Hopefully, his ideas will at least catch on and we can get this marijuana legalization ball rolling downhill. This is an important decision that we must make as a whole. We have to realize that marijuana is just a recreational drug like people use every day in tobacco and alcohol. Both of those drugs are more harmful than marijuana and can kill the user while marijuana cannot. Cannabis is nothing but a safe alternative to other harder recreational drugs like the aforementioned alcohol and cigarettes.

Ending Cannabis Prohibition

dank nugWhile ending this long prohibition doesn’t seem all that close, it is now more within our grasp than ever! It certainly is a long shot, but vice presidential nominee for the Libertarians, Jim Gray, has a real chance to make something happen if his party is elected into the white house. Perhaps his radical new ideas will inspire many youths to vote for him and eventually make marijuana legal again! The medical marijuana programs are all right, but weed is not just medicine. While it certainly helps those in pain, it is also just a nice way to relax at the end of the day. Marijuana is a recreational drug first and foremost. If you think that marijuana should be legal, then watch vice presidential nominee Jim Gray’s speeches all throughout the state of Missouri taking place this week.