Many medical marijuana patients are in fact elderly patients with minor aches and pains that plague their every day lives. Sadly, some of these would be patients cannot acquire medical marijuana cards without a legitimate condition. Perhaps there should be special rules for senior citizens when it comes to acquiring their medical marijuana card because they need this medicine more than many of us younger people do.

Getting Your Own Card

old man smokingFor those that do not know, getting your medical marijuana card is incredibly easy these days. There are plenty of state approved doctors that will sign you up for your very own card for a small fee. This card will let you purchase marijuana for an entire year from any medical marijuana dispensary. Patients can carry up to an ounce at one time so there is no worry of not being able to purchase enough. Patients can also grow their own weed as long as they stay within the guide lines made by the medical marijuana program. Those who enjoy marijuana don’t have to be persecuted anymore. Now you can enjoy medical marijuana in your own house whenever you want as long as you are respectful of those around you. You too can get your very own medical marijuana card which lasts an entire year for one small fee!

Why Elderly Patients Have Trouble with MMJ

weed old manBecause they are not diagnosed with a legitimate condition, some senior citizens are not eligible for this card. For folks such as these, it’s important that we learn to bend the rules because of how much it would help them. These elderly people are in pain every day with their old joints and aging bones. The least we can do is let them enjoy their time so they don’t have to suffer. While many elderly patients can get their own card, many more cannot and this is a big problem. If we truly want to help people with this program, then we need to target those in need. The elderly portion of our community deserves to smoke weed too, even if they aren’t suffering from a so called legitimate condition like the rest of us are.

What Can We Do to Fix This?

If we really want to supply those in need with medical marijuana, then perhaps all people over a certain age should be eligible. We all know that the body deteriorates over time and this is the reason for many aches and pains that we all have. By the time one reaches these advanced stages of maturity, the body is weak and fragile. These elderly people need medical marijuana much more than some of the other patients of the program do. While this is certainly a radical idea, it is a necessary change if we want to truly make this program available to everyone in need. Without the senior citizen community, the weed smoking community is much smaller. Let’s make medical marijuana available for all kinds of people including our senior citizens!