As a result of the recent elections, there have been many changes in our country! Some of the most important of these changes took place in Colorado and Washington as they became the first US states to tax and regulate marijuana like alcohol. This is great news for any stoner in one of these states as you can now be free from all the persecution that you once had to deal with. This is one huge step in the right direction for the eventual legalization of marijuana in the entire United States!

Making World History

legal cannabis colorado washingtonThe interesting thing about the legalization of cannabis in these two states is that this is not just a part of US history. Colorado and Washington are in fact the two first political jurisdictions in the world to legalize the plant in such a way. By taxing and regulating marijuana, we can keep the drug off the streets and reserve it for those of age. Cannabis is no different from any other recreational drug whether you compare it to tobacco or alcohol. All three of these substances are known to be unhealthy, yet we consume them just for the way they make us feel. This is some of the most wide spread support that we have seen for cannabis in many years and yet, it feels like we all knew it was coming. With the popularity of weed in today’s culture, it’s not surprising that these states voted to legalize marijuana.

Other Weed Related Voting Results

weed cropThere have also been many other reforms related to marijuana in other states across the country. For example, Massachusetts became the 18th state in the United States to institute a medical marijuana program. Patients that have conditions can now be treated with this wonder drug that can make you forget all of your worries. California also passed a law in accordance with its three strike policy. This new law completely reforms this outdated policy for a more modern world. Though it is not related much to marijuana, Barack Obama did win a second term as our president. Many people in the cannabis culture dislike Obama because of the amount of raiding he has done on state run medical marijuana programs. If he wants to please the masses, he’s definitely going to have to cut back on these silly raids.

Legalization on the Way

dank bud trichomesThose of us in other states are eager to see when this law might be passed elsewhere. Legal marijuana is a very enticing idea indeed for those that don’t have access to it yet. Arrests for marijuana in the United States make up about half of all arrests in the country. Legalization will help our country get out of debt so we can spend money on more important things. 86% of all marijuana arrests are for possession alone so this just shows you how dumb all of the money we are putting into this really is. If more states can follow suit and be more like Colorado and Washington who legalized marijuana in the recent election, our country might be well on its way to the eventual legalization of cannabis nation wide!