marijuana budtenderWhen it comes to marijuana legalization, the pros to the situation are easy. First of all, this would generate about 2 billion dollars for the state of Washington alone over the next five years. But this is of course only if the legalization of marijuana is actually passed. Some experts also argue that the price of marijuana will actually drop as it is only so high in the first place due to prohibition. Some generous estimates say that prices may drop by as much as fifty percent! For all of us smokers, this is great news as it would the double the amount that we could afford. While there are some disadvantages to the legalization of marijuana, it is mostly something that everyone would benefit from and we need to start looking at it as such.

big marijuana budsWhile some seem to think that this is a fix all solution to the country’s woes, more conservative people say that this is certainly not the case. It is hard to say just what will happen as a result of marijuana legalization, but the one thing that will certainly occur is a rise in marijuana usage. While many will argue that this is not a bad thing, marijuana can certainly effect people in negative ways if the user does not use it in moderation. But compared to alcohol and other harder, but illegal substances, marijuana is really not that bad. If you just like to have a smoke at the end of the day, you’re probably all right. But beware of the negative side effects of smoking weed like lethargy and sleepiness.

As I said before, we will never know exactly what will happen with marijuana legalization until we actually do it. Hopefully, it will all go over smoothly and smokers everywhere can have their daily weed. It is a hopeful future, but a possible one as well. If things continue on the road they are currently on, then we may see the legalization of marijuana in no time! Most people tend to agree that this legalization will not end all of our financial problems, but it certainly would solve some of them which is a good start. There are other benefits that could come from the legalization of marijuana as well like a drop in unemployment rate and a generally more peaceful feeling around the world. The legalization of marijuana could do so many things for us and it is time we started paying attention.

Imarijuana grow roomn the end, the control of marijuana legalization comes down to the voter’s hands on election day. Until the law is ready for voting, there is not a whole lot that we can do about it. But it is always nice to look to the future in pleasurable anticipation. Perhaps if enough of us envision this future, we can really make it happen someday. But until then, all we can do is hope that some kind of law makes it through to us. As long as hope is alive, there is always a chance that your dreams will come true.