godfather strainAs any smoker knows, there are all different kinds of different strains of marijuana that can all seem a little different. Though one strain is rarely exactly the same as another that shares the different name but was in a different batch, many of the effects remain constant so it is useful to talk about the various effects of different strains. There are literally thousands of different strains out there each with their own unique benefits and differences from others. Though it may not seem like it to less experienced smokers, the way the weed hits your palette and how it makes you feel are both very important things about the experience. This is why it is useful to know some of the tendencies of common strains so you can make choices based on them.

The Godfather Strain

This is a strain that I recently sampled from the Hollistic Center in Fontana, California. The THC percent was said to be twenty six percent which is truly remarkable among strains these days. Needless, such a high THC put me on my ass before I even smoked the stuff. But it was when I packed it in to a bong and lit it up that I really noticed how great this weed was. Godfather has got to be one of my favorite strains of all time because of the pleasant high it gave me as well as the delicious taste I got after hitting the bong. It is rare that a strain stands out to me from all the rest because the differences are just too few and far between. If you ever have a chance to sample this strain of marijuana, I highly recommend that you do so.

As I just mentioned, this weed smokes great and I could not ask for more from the high it gives. But the Godfather is also a very aesthetically pleasing weed as well. When I first saw it out of its container, I was in disbelief at what I was seeing. Here was a perfectly trimmed and great smelling nug that had crystals all over it. The smell can not be understated either as it was skunky enough to make you wrinkle your nose after a big inhale. All in all, I would recommend this strain to any marijuana user as it was easily one of the best I have ever sampled.

Pros and Cons of This Weed

the godfatherThough this strain was great and I have very few complaints, there are a few that I do have. First of all, the strain was very expensive. I realize that it is great quality weed but I still feel it was overpriced for the promise of twenty six percent THC. Other than that though, there was really nothing negative I could say about this strain of weed. It really is one of the best that I have ever smoked and anyone would be lucky to try some. So head on down to Fontana and sample some of this Godfather before it is all gone. You know how quick that great weed gets smoked up!