This strain is another one of the many potent strains sold at the Hollistic Center in Fontana, California. The more I go to this clinic, the more I find that I simply can’t find anything wrong with it. The pricing is good, the service is excellent, and the marijuana is top of the line. I’ve sampled quite a few strains of marijuana at different times and they are always fresh and priced moderately enough that anyone can afford some of the top shelf. You might think that you are saving money with the lower priced strains of weed, but the high you get with top shelf is so much better than you would get smoking the other stuff. This is why I am a firm believer in the benefits of better weed over the cheaper strains.

Headbang OG Strain Review

headband marijuana strain reviewWhen I was looking at all the different kinds of weed available, the top shelf caught my eye as it always does with it awesome smelling strains. As soon as I put my nose to the jar, I knew this was the kind that I wanted to try out this time. The bud tender told me that this particular strain was a perfect hybrid of sativa and indica in that it was exactly fifty percent of each. This intrigued me so much that I couldn’t wait to drive home and pull out my smoking device to get that bud burning. It wasn’t long at all before I felt the high coming on me. As soon as I exhaled the first hit, I could see why that girl told me it was the perfect hybrid.

When you are looking to see if the bud you have is what would be considered good, then you must consider its appearance and its smell. The first is very important as this is often the first impression people will get of your weed. Clean trimmed nugs look the best so you don’t want any leaves or stems showing on your buds. The smell of heavenly ganja is hard to explain but it is usually described as skunky and is not very appealing to people who don’t use it. But to all of us smokers, that smell is one of our favorites because it means a fat session is about to start! The Headband OG that I recently sampled had all of these features and so much more.

The Problem With Top Shelf

Now don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love smoking the best weed I can get my hands on. But that is in fact the biggest problem I have with it. I smoke it too quick for my own good and then I am out of both weed and money. If you find yourself in a similar situation to me, then maybe buying larger quantities of the stuff would be more beneficial to you. The only way you can really find out is to try both for yourself and see which one you like better. You might find you don’t need a whole lot of top shelf to get your fix.

plant of headband weed