colorful pocket vaporizerMany smokers of cannabis have never even heard of vaporizing. While it is a relatively new technology, people should be acquainted with it as it is much healthier for the body than smoking is. When smoking, close to ninety percent of that which goes in your lungs is just plant matter which won’t get you high. But the smoke from a vaporizer is over ninety five percent pure THC. This means that you will spend less time coughing and more time staying faded. This is why more people than ever are starting to vaporize marijuana. As most who use a vaporizer know, there are many ways to vaporize weed and each of them has their own benefits. We will go into each of these different ways to vaporize marijuana and compare the pros and cons.

Pocket Vaporizer

This vaporizer is small and discreet so it can be hit in even the most open locations. I have heard friends say that parents will not even smell it if it smoked right in the other room with the door open! This is a true testament to how sneaky the pocket vaporizer can be. The design of the device is fairly simple as it works much like a regular pipe. The difference is that the marijuana is not lit on fire in the vaporizer, it is actually heated up to the point at which it becomes vapor. While getting used to this way of smoking may be difficult at first, the long term effects on your health should be your primary concern.

 Volcano Vaporizer

volcano vaporizerThe volcano vaporizer is one made for groups of people rather than solo sessions. A large bag is placed on top of the vaporizer and this bag fills up with THC vapor until it is full to bursting! The bag can then be passed around and hit by all members of the group before expelling everything it has to offer. The biggest difference between the pocket vaporizer and the volcano vaporizer is the sheer size of the latter. While the pocket vaporizer excels at discreet solo sessions, the volcano vaporizer is huge and is usually to much to take for one smoker. So depending on your situation, there is a best vaporizer for you and your specific needs.

The Best Vaporizer For You

good marijuana budIn the end, different people will prefer different kinds of vaporizers as no two people are living in the same situation. Whether you want a solo smoking session or a big group smoke with all your friends will determine what kind of vaporizer is best for you. Either way, you can be sure that your smoking method is much more clean than old standards like glass or papers. Remember that close to ninety percent of what one smokes in more traditional methods will not get the user high. If you want to smoke only pure THC, then vaporizing is the only way to go. It is cleaner and safer than any other smoking method so why are you still using old technology?