tobacco vs weedTobacco has been legal in this country for a long time and it is no surprise that so many people use it. It is used as a way to wind down after the day is done by a large group of the population. Marijuana and tobacco have always been compared because both are plants that effect the mind when lit on fire and smoked. Due largely to an anti weed campaign launched decades ago, the proven killer tobacco is smoked more often than marijuana which is generally regarded as harmless. But we are catching on slowly but surely as sixteen states out of the fifty and our country now have some form of medical marijuana instated. It appears that us marijuana smokers will just have to wait until our preferred plant is as legal as the proven killer.

More Likely to Smoke Weed

A recent study proves that smokers of tobacco or cigarettes are much more likely to smoke marijuana than non smokers. This study says that tobacco smokers are about four times more likely to smoke weed than others are. It was found that of the sixty eight percent of people who admitted to smoking daily, fifty three percent of them said they had smoked marijuana some time with in the last month. In addition to this, the study found that non students, people from rural areas, people from the Northeast and white people were all the most likely to blaze it up. It is interesting to see what it is that makes people smoke when it comes down to it. Some people smoke simply because they like how it feels or how it tastes.

smoke weed every dayWhen looking at different users of medical marijuana, one thing of interest is that the age, income, or gender of a person does not determine whether or not they will smoke. In fact, all of these factors do not determine much at all about a person’s smoking history or background. Perhaps most interesting of all, this study found that whether or not the state has medical marijuana laws is action was also not a determining factor for who would smoke it. This just goes to show that everyone smokes weed whether they admit or they don’t. This plant has been smoked for a long time and it has only recent been outlawed because of a bunch of silly business hanging on to their crumbling ideas which hemp could outperform any day.

What Do You Think?

So what is it that you think about this whole medical marijuana plan. Do you think it will help the people who are using it? Or do you believe that it is just a clever way to get around a long standing law. Whatever you may believe, the facts show that tobacco is easily more harmful than marijuana. Neither of these plants are good for you, it is the idea of inhaling smoke the makes this activity unhealthy. But if you must smoke one of these plants, then do yourself a favor and smoke the less harmful one. You will be more happy and your kids will be more happy as they get to see you live a long, happy life.