A recent idea that will have officers testing for a certain amount of marijuana in an offender’s system and then determining if they’re high has brought about a lot of studies on the idea. Is there a certain amount that will get any person high? Or does it vary from individual to individual? This was the main concern of the government when condoning these studies.

Marinol and Veteran Smokers

weed toleranceThis study had 13 men volunteer to be observed in a lab for five days. Each day, the men were given marinol pills in increased dosages. This is basically cannabis without the psychoactive effects that get people high. However, many people claim that this substance will get you higher than weed. This seems to be true as two of the men had to drop out because of how they felt on the marinol. These men were all veteran smokers, so it’s clear that something in the experiment made them have such experiences. The amount of intoxicant these men were given was equivalent to about three joints a day. Many folks claim marinol is actually helpful to the body because of being an oral cannabinoid. Sadly, this idea does not extend to marijuana edibles, all though there’s no reason why it shouldn’t. This means that ingesting marijuana has major health benefits that need to be explored.

The Effects of Marijuana Tolerance

weed pillfAs most people would expect, the men got less and less high every day even though they were given more of the marinol. Why is this so? Well, this is because marijuana tolerance builds up slowly over time for people. This means that a smoker who has been smoking for a long time is going to be able to handle more than another newer smoker. This means that the government’s idea of measuring the amount of THC in a person’s blood and determining their sobriety by that is flawed. In order to make sure we are only arresting drivers that are impaired, there are several things we can do. Most importantly, we should use field sobriety tests rather than DNA testing. People who are impaired show much more in such a test. We also need to realize that many people are smoking marijuana and it’s not just going to go away.

Other Reactions to This Study

While this study is a success for marijuana smokers, the media will undoubtedly turn it around somehow. People are already claiming that if people are building up a tolerance to the drug that they must be dependent. This is far from the truth but seems to be the prevailing idea in today’s society. Just because someone has a high tolerance for something doesn’t mean that they are dependent on it. Many successful people smoke weed often and still manage to get everything done. I’m not saying that this is true for all people, but smoking a joint in the evening really isn’t going to harm your body that much. People drink alcohol all the time and that stuff is poison for your body.