idaho legalizes marijuanaThe medical marijuana laws are spreading all over the country these days at an increasing rate. It is no secret that some patients use the plant for recreational use, but there is no way to monitor this so it gets swept under the rug. As of now, cannabis is supposed to be used exclusively by patients with a legitimate medical condition. Even though it is being carefully controlled, some people are still up in arms about the way the country is using medical marijuana. Sadly, these people will probably remain with this same mind set until it is legalized through out the country. Regardless of others’ views on the subject, the state of Idaho is widely regarded as the next state to legalize medical marijuana in the United States.

The Status of Medical Marijuana Today

Even though it is perfectly legal in sixteen out of fifty states, many conservatives feel that marijuana prohibition is the way to go. One of these select few people is the Republican nominee for president in 2012; Mitt Romney. This man absolutely despises the medical marijuana idea as well as the plant itself. It is clear that if Romney had his way with marijuana, it would not have even the limited legality that it does today. It’s pretty obvious who all of the smokers will be voting for when election time rolls around. When it comes to legalizing the plant in Idaho, people are on the bandwagon more than ever because of its increasing popularity. It is now only a matter of time before Idaho makes medical marijuana legal like the many states before it.

Moms for medical marijuanaThe biggest reason that Idaho is pushing for the legalization of marijuana is because of something it’s residents have been doing. For years now, residents of Idaho have been crossing the border in to Oregon to receive their medical marijuana cards that way. It is not a far commute and you can smoke marijuana legally, sounds like a deal to me too. This makes it a lot easier on the state to legalize the plant than it would be otherwise. So though it is not legal, citizens are slowly finding a way around that reality. People in the state of Idaho are warming up to the idea as well as there are now two companies who own collectives within the state.

Idaho’s Future

Though it is still in its early stages right now, Idaho is expected to try and become medical marijuana legal by 2014. That is only a couple of years of waiting for all of you Idaho residents out there. Past all of the negative feed back it gets, marijuana is really a harmless plant that can get you high if you set it on fire. People make it out to be this awful drug that can kill you when it is in fact much less harmful for you than alcohol or tobacco is. Marijuana will always be a counter culture until it reaches full legality some day.  Until then, keep smoking it up with your medical marijuana cards!