monkey testThe age old idea that marijuana kills your brain cells has finally been put to rest. This notion came from a test conducted many years ago by a man who was already not very fond of weed. In the test, two groups of monkeys were monitored with one receiving no marijuana and one receiving the equivalent of thirty joints a day. As one might expect, the monkeys exposed to marijuana slowly withered and died within ninety days which was looked at as proof of marijuana’s negative side effects on the body. The monkeys were dissected and found to have fewer brain cells than the control group. But what we weren’t told was that the other group of monkeys had the smoke forced on them by having their heads encased while smoke was pumped in to the containers.

What Really Happened

Once it was found out that these monkeys were not smoking but forced to take the smoke in to their lungs, the race was on to find some evidence for the positive effects of marijuana. What was really discovered would leave readers and reporters everywhere stunned. While the one group of monkeys was forced to smoke for five minutes a day, there was no ventilation in their head casings. This allowed for no escape of the carbon monoxide they breathed out which led to the decay of the brain cells in monkeys. So this idea that marijuana kills brain came from an evil scientist who felt that a lie about marijuana was more important than the lives of sixty monkeys.

It is hard to believe that there could be such cruel people in the world but I assure you, they are all around us. People will go to any length to prove that they are right no matter what it is they must do to get there. This idea that marijuana kills your brain cells has been one of the main arguments against the plant since it was first outlawed. Now that is has been officially debunked, people will have a hard time showing the negative side effects of marijuana. A similar test was conducted in which the monkeys actually smoked four to five joints a day for a year straight and there were no negative side effects reported. Though smoking weed can be a great pass time, there definitely are some things you need to remember about this plant.

Negative Side Effects of Marijuana

cannabis effectsThough weed will not kill your brain cells as previously thought, there are a couple of negative side effects that are immediately noticeable in a long time stoner. The first of these problems is short term memory loss. While a stoner might have a good long term memory, marijuana effects the mind’s ability to convert short term memory in to long term memory. This can lead to all kinds of problems like losing one’s car keys or hat when it is right by them. Though these problems may not seem like much at first, they can progress and really hinder a person’s life after long term use of marijuana. So remember to use in moderation when smoking this plant.