Now that marijuana is more widely accepted in our country, there is a big question that we face. Will D.A.R.E. programs finally end their misinformation about marijuana to the youth of our nation? As kids enroll in these programs at a young age, they have a very big effect on them as they get older. While some would argue that this is a good thing, I’m not so sure it is. I think it is better to know the truth than to be misinformed about something. Hopefully, D.A.R.E. will realize how silly their campaign against marijuana is and quit lying to people about it.

What D.A.R.E. Teaches Kids About Weed

logo for anti drug organization D.A.R.E.This program frequently lies to children about the effects of marijuana because of its outdated information. D.A.R.E. claims that marijuana is a substance that has absolutely no medical value at all. This flat out lie is the kind of thing that D.A.R.E. needs to change if they want to give kids the real information. After this, they go on to say that THC does have medical properties, which is funny because that is the active ingredient in marijuana. D.A.R.E. makes it hard for kids to ever really know the truth about this recreational drug. They claim that it does nothing but inebriate you, but this has been proven to be far from the truth with eighteen states now having passed a medical marijuana program. The plain truth is that this program spreads nothing but lies about marijuana. If we don’t want our kids growing up in fear of something that won’t hurt them, then we have got to end D.A.R.E.’s anti marijuana campaign!

The Facts About D.A.R.E.

D.A.R.E. unsuccessful When it comes right down to it, the statistics show that this is not at all a successful program. While it may help raise awareness in children before they are exposed to drugs, it often just creates fear in them which is no way to control some one. D.A.R.E. is no a successful program because there have been no relationships drawn between it and decreases in drug use since its institution. This is the sole fact that makes this program one that we should just all together get rid of. The mandatory ceremonies that children go through in school no longer mention marijuana, but this is hardly a step in the right direction at all. D.A.R.E. has even been in legal trouble, confirming that claims brought against them in which it was said that the program tried to cover scientific facts that applied to the program were in fact true. This just proves that the people who run D.A.R.E. are untrustworthy and do not really care about our children.

Fixing D.A.R.E.

beautiful weedIn order to fix this program, a massive overhaul would be needed to have any hopes of changing things. Perhaps if they focused more on the actual facts about drug use than making sure kids are afraid of them, they would have a bit more success. D.A.R.E. has long been a joke among high school kids who have grown up and learned that there are far worse things in the world than marijuana. A more honest approach to the world of drugs is definitely the way to go if those at D.A.R.E. want to fix their program. Otherwise, funding will certainly be cut and D.A.R.E. will die. People don’t want to be lied to when it comes to learning. If you are in school, you expect to be getting the truth out of people that are teaching you. But even that isn’t important to D.A.R.E. as all they seem to care about is clinging to the decades old lie that the American government put out about marijuana.