Smoking good weed is a privilege that not every one gets to have so you need to enjoy when you get the chance. A lot of people prefer quantity over quality when purchasing their bud, but a little expensive weed goes a long way. This is especially true if you have been smoking the worse weed to get more of it so why not try something else for a change? The taste is the first thing one notices when they exhale their hit, and it is incredibly different depending on the quality of weed you get. Bad weed will often leave you with a gross aftertaste long after you have finished smoking it. If you have had this problem, then maybe it’s time to start smoking something a little better.

LA Confidential Strain Review

LA ConfidentialHaving just packed some of this LA Confidential in to a bowl and smoked it, I’m pretty confident in my abilities to assess. My first impression of the weed was great, it looks very green and crystally and is well groomed. The smell is just as good, very skunky and potent. But I have got to tell you, the best thing about this bud is the high! A friend and I smoked two bowls and I’m high off my ass right now as I type this! There are few times that I can remember being any higher than this, so that is definitely a good indicator of how potent this stuff is. The high is great feeling that everyone needs to experience.

This weed came from the Hollistic Center in Fontana, California. The people in the clinic were very friendly and helped me get in and out quickly when I knew what I wanted. LA Confidential is hybrid of both Sativa and Indica so this is why the high is so extremely potent. My whole experience at the clinic was very pleasant and I will definitely be going back again. After the short drive home, I was ready to pack and bowl and light it up with some friends. In short, this strain is really great as I’v been looking for something that gives me this kind of crazy high for quite some time now. If you are looking to get really fucked up, try some of the LA Confidential at the Hollistic Center before this batch is all gone!

Great Weed for All!

weed-plant-la-confidentialWhen you smoke the bottom shelf weeds, you might think you’re saving a lot of money, but you will also have to smoke a lot more of it to get high. This is one fatal error in calculation that people often make and decide to buy cheap weed from then on. The money you might lose buying top shelf is definitely worth the extra fun you will have with some fresh, good tasting weed. If you are a skeptic of this idea, then try it for yourself. By all means, don’t just listen to me! The Hollistic Center in Fontana, California has a lot of great strains for great prices. So check them out and see for yourself what good weed can do for you.