With the way medical marijuana laws are advancing, folks might think that we are close to actual marijuana legalization. But the feds continue to crack down on marijuana dispensaries for turning profits and not running their businesses in the correct manner. Most recently, the marijuana dispensaries in LA have been targeted by the feds.

inside marijuana dispensaryThe authorities gave warning to 68 medical marijuana dispensaries today on September 26. They also went forth with forfeiture lawsuits against three related properties and served search warrants at three other places.  U.S. Attorney Andre Birotte said “Over the past several years, we have seen an explosion of commercial marijuana stores — an explosion that is being driven by the massive profits associated with marijuana distribution. As today’s operations make clear, the sale and distribution of marijuana violates federal law, and we intend to enforce the law. Even those stores not targeted today should understand that they cannot continue to profit in violation of the law.”

orange-marijuanaLos Angeles is a major target for these federal servings as the list of targets listed every location in the Huntington, Downtown, and Eagle Rock areas of the city. The feds have indeed chosen their spot to start their investigations, and go forward with them. If this continues, we may not have a lot of dispensaries left in the LA area. It is important that we all do what we can to educate ourselves about the status of marijuana in our country. If the feds continue to target ever marijuana dispensary, we may be even farther away from legalization than we think.