cops burn weed

In the Caribbean, Jamaica is easily the biggest producer of marijuana so t his event has widespread consequences that go beyond the borders of the Jamaican islands. Marijuana is one of the island nation’s most important crops as it provides not only revenue, but has recreational uses as well. It is a shame that this transpired in the way it did, but it may just raise awareness about a struggling Jamaica, making it so something so horrible can never happen again. Whenever someone messes with an important crop grown by a country like in this incident, there is no telling what someone might do in retaliation. Jamaica was undoubtedly wronged recently by their own police force. If things continue down this road, dark times may lie ahead.

In a nutshell, the Jamaican police burned up about 15,000 pounds of marijuana along with seventy five pounds of hash. Even though this is all the police force did themselves, the damages they caused were much greater. When one gets down to the facts, the real underlying problem is the irrational illegality of marijuana in the world today. Even though some states and countries are beginning to come around, a large part of the world is still clearly opposed to marijuana. Perhaps if things were a little different, such injustices wouldn’t be happening all over the world every day. Poor Jamaica is caught in the middle of this because it excels at growing marijuana, but also has such strict laws concerning marijuana.

Jamaica is a beautiful island nation in the Caribbean making it a hot tourist destination as well as an exciting place to live. The colors of Jamaica’s flag do well to symbolize many aspects of Jamaican life. These colors, green, black, and gold, represent lush island life, a hard working lifestyle, and never ending sunshine respectively. When taking these things into consideration, it is easy to imagine the Jamaican mindset regarding this issue. These folks are just trying to get by but they can not do anything against their own police officers. The people of Jamaica need help with their authorities if they really want to end this problem once and for all. So in all likelihood, we will be hearing about more tragic incidents like these in Jamaica until they get their laws on marijuana sorted out.

jamaican cops seizureIf there is one country that has always been known for marijuana, it is undoubtedly Jamaica. This is why it is so sad to see the state of the country today. With law enforcement officers working to ruin one of the country’s most important crops, the future looks bleak at best for this island nation. But with a little hard work and change, I think Jamaica can be the paradise that it was always meant to be. However, having 15,000 pounds of marijuana burned is no laughing matter and I’m sure it will take the owners of those plants a long time to recover their spent resources. I”m sure all of us are hoping Jamaica will recover from this quickly and get back on the right track. This is just one of the many instances in which legalizing marijuana would end struggle.