avidekel weedAs a country that has long been thought of as traditional, Israel surprised many people with it’s new crop of medical marijuana. Most people would not even think of Israel as a major contributor to cannabis culture, but it certainly has proven itself to be just that in recent years. If more countries pick up the slack just as Israel is doing, there is no telling where medical marijuana programs could end up in the next few years. As long as the main focus is to help patients suffering from diseases, then nothing can go wrong when growing marijuana. In fact, most people are saying what Israel is doing is a great thing despite the public aversion to marijuana. This just shows how times have changed in the past few years.

 Avidekel – The New Marijuana

Israel stands out as a top contributor in the medical marijuana community because of the type of weed they’re growing. This new kind of weed called Avidekel is specifically made not to get the user high. This special kind of marijuana has less than one percent THC in it so those who smoke it can get on with their day in a normal fashion. Typically, those who smoke weed had to leave their medicating to the evening or night when they could just sleep off the negative side effects. But now smokers can get the same anti inflamatory effects provided by one part of the plant while not getting stoned out of their mind. Even though this may not be desirable for everyone, many cannabis users have been asking for such a thing for a long time.

What Makes It Different?Steve-O smokes weed

Avidekel is different from the marijuana strains that we usually smoke for two main reasons. One of these is the very low THC percentage which is the chemical that gets users high. The second of these reasons and the more useful one as well is the increased level of CBD’s or cannabidiols. Though this acronym is much less well known than THC, they are important in fighting inflamation in diseases like arthritis. As you can imagine, these cannabidiols are highly sought after by medical marijuana patients. Israel took the innitiative and made a strain of cannabis that has sixteen percent cannabidiols and less than one percent THC. This way, users can still smoke throught the day without becoming lethargic.

The Good And The Bad

marijuana avidekelWhile the higher concentration of CBD’s in Avidekel makes it more appealing to users who find the high of marijuana to be an unwanted side effect, other more recreational users will not be as happy with the change. The THC is what gets the smoker high and with less than one percent THC compared to twenty five or thirty percent as is common these days, one really isn’t going to feel anything if smoking Avidekel for the high it gives. But the reality is that Avidekel was not made for this purpose. It was made for suffering medical marijuana patients who need the drug to get through the day.