In order to start germinating your marijuana seeds, you are going to need a couple of things. These include of course your seeds, a couple plates, and wet tissue. So let’s get started! First, you must line one of the plates with a couple layers of tissue and place the seeds on it carefully. You really want each seed to have as much space as possible so naturally, larger groups of seeds will require larger plates while smaller ones can use something as small as a saucer. Now, place a couple more layers of your wet tissue on top your seeds so they are completely encompassed in it. Weed seeds require a moist and dark environment to thrive and that is what we are striving to create. Finally, place your other plate on top of the first one upside down. This dark shell is the perfect place for your marijuana seeds to germinate.

germinating seeds

Fragile Seedlings and Their Maintenanceweed sprouts

When all is said and done, you can probably expect your seeds to started popping their roots out on the third day. But don’t worry if it takes up to a couple of weeks as this has been known to happen. Once you see your seeds first opening and showing roots, the real fun can begin. Now is the real important part, you must place the seeds very carefully in to their new homes. You need to have these containers ready so you can make a speedy transfer in to the seed’s preferred growing container. Make a two to five mm hole in your medium of soil or rockwool and wait for the magic to happen. If all goes right, you can expect to see a fresh young shoot in your medium in one to three days.

Once your seedling grows its third set of leaves, it is ready to be placed in its direct source of light. Whether you choose an indoor growing light or the light of the sun is up to you, but many people prefer the taste of indoor weed these days. Your little babies are now ready to start thriving in the light so it is only a matter of time before you get to see them grow and flourish. For optimal growing conditions, you want to water your plant so that the soil damp about an inch down. If you ever feel that it may need more water, do the finger test first to see how deep the dryness of your soil goes. If you do everything correctly, you will get to see your plant flower and show its true beauty.

How to Tellflowering plant

As soon as a plant starts on its twelve hours of light and twelve hours of dark cycle, the flowering process will begin. Growing indoors makes this really easy as you can just turn the light on and off at will. But outdoor growers will have to be more careful as the sun goes down when it wants to. The plant can either be brought indoors once the twelve hours are up or else placed in a sheltered area away from the sun. Sadly, growing from seed means you will not know the sex if the plant until the flowering stage begins. So keep your fingers crossed! This is when we find out whether our plant is a bud producing female or a disappointing male. The buds on a female plant will be ready in many different times depending on the individual flowering times of the plants. But once about seventy-five percent of the hairs have changed from orange to white, you know you are at maximum ripeness.