Fake drug checkpointsAs of late, there has been a lot of talk about these fake drug checkpoints that cops are setting up. The supreme court however ruled that drug checkpoints were unconstitutional in the year 2000 so cops now have to use clever ways to get around that reality. The fact that the police force can essentially overturn the court’s ruling is the real problem here. The courts are here to give us fair and legal ruling on big problems that can not be solved by arguments between people like normal problems could be. If cops continue to act like they are above the law by exploiting loopholes and dodging official court rulings like this, then there is little hope for respect for our courts.  Police officers need to act like regular citizens and quit thinking they are more important than others.

What the Cops Are Doing

It is really disgusting that cops are going to such lengths to catch users of controlled substances. What cops will do these days is set up a fake checkpoint to get people scared. If one were to drive through the check point, they wouldn’t be in the slightest bit of trouble. But what the cops are really looking for is cars that abruptly turn around or try to ditch their stash on the road. They will then later bring in dogs to sniff out the drugs later. For the most part, cops are proud of their loophole that they say is not breaking the law at all.  One man said that these fake checkpoints function just like regular checkpoints, only they are not illegal under the court’s ruling.

cops bust weed houseOne instance of this law dodging reported cops monitoring the areas in which warning signs for the fake checkpoint come up. Any suspicious activity in reaction to the sign such as throwing something out of the window, or a great deal activity in the car will result in a radio in and the car being checked by one of the cops. It’s sad that some people think they can do whatever they want without any repercussions. Cops instilling fear in the hearts of many is nothing new, but this bout of fear is particularly unlawful and should not be stood for. I understand that drugs are controlled substances, but that does not give cops the right to ignore court rulings.

How to Beat the Checkpoints

There are so many things wrong with this fake checkpoint idea that it is a wonder it ever came to be in the first place. It has been proven that a dog trainer can make his dog react to any situation. So what does this really prove about the cops? They were beaten with a court ruling and now they break the law to try and sniff out drugs. Something as simple as pulling off to the rest stop can get you or your family pulled over so try and limit your rest stops to those without drug check point signs. Just remember that these checkpoints are fake and keep on driving.