There has been a lot of interesting new developments in the state of marijuana all around the world since the recent elections in the United States. Many things regarding the drug were changed here, and that has inspired other countries all around the world to follow suit. Particularly Latin American countries have taken an interest in this new state of marijuana and it seems they wish it to be the same in their countries. Yesterday, the congress of Uruguay was introduced to a bill that just may make marijuana legal in this country as well!

colorado and washington legal marijuana

November Elections in the US

Unbeknownst to few, there were many major changes concerning marijuana in the recent election here in the United States. While the biggest news of the election is certainly the re-election of President Barack Obama, many weed activists are concerned with other things. First of all, Massachusetts became the 18th state in our country to institute a medical marijuana program. This means that Massachusetts natives will be able to acquire their own medical marijuana cards and purchase cannabis from their local state sanctioned clinics. But more importantly, Washington and Colorado became the first ever political jurisdictions to officially legalize weed! Marijuana culture is in full swing over in these states where a new world idea is seeming to originate from. Hopefully, more US states and those in other countries will catch on to this trend sometime soon!

Legal Marijuana in Uruguay

national flag of uruguayWhile it is by no means official, the fact that a bill was even presented to the congress of Uruguay is what is worth talking about here. The elections have not even been over for a couple weeks, and yet other countries are already jumping on the legalize marijuana bandwagon. If this bill were to pass, people could hold up to 40 grams of marijuana at one time which is a lot even by our liberal standards. Smokers could also grow six plants in their home for personal use or one could get a license from the country in order to grow up to 90 plants! This incredible amount of plants would be enough to produce 7,200 grams of marijuana each and every year. Even if this bill does not pass, it is still exciting that something of this magnitude happened so close to the elections having finished. Maybe Uruguay will be the first entire country to legalize marijuana!

Ending Prohibition Once and for All

dank weed nugWashington and Colorado have already decided that their states will be better off if marijuana is legal. The results of the election don’t lie and they say that the great majority of citizens in these two states voted to legalize weed. This means all the things that come along with legalization like taxing and regulating ensuring that the wrong people don’t get their hands on it. Marijuana will be treated a lot like alcohol in that one must be over 21 years of age to buy it. We can only hope that more states in our country will follow in the foot steps of Colorado and Washington by legalizing marijuana sometime soon!