amendment 64Most people agree that the current way we regulate marijuana is not satisfactory. Theresimply has to be a better way to do this. One suggestion that comes up time and time again is to regulate marijuana like alcohol. The comparison is easy to make because are recreational intoxicants used widely by teens and adults. These two drugs are easily the most used recreational ones out there and for good reason. While alcohol and marijuana are not good for the user, the side effects on the body are much less compared to those of harder drugs. If you are going to pick a drug to use, then these two are certainly the least harmful you could choose. In the end, no drug is good for the body, but they can become much less unhealthy with the use of moderation.

What The Professors Are Saying

dank budWhile using marijuana is certainly not going to make you any healthier, it is certainly a better choice than hard drugs or even alcohol. Over one hundred college professors from Colorado are in support of ammendment 64 and we should be too. Regulating marijuana like alcohol is the only sensible solution that we’ve yet to try. It is very clear that marijuana prohibition has failed and we need to take the plant in a new direction. More and more people are trying marijuana every day so it is important that we are swift with how we lay down these laws. It is no secret that regulating marijuana like alcohol is the way to go, we all just need to get behind ammendment 64 now and show our unrelenting support.

Marijuana Prohibition Has Failed

It is clear to most of us that the once strong stance on marijuana prohibition has moved farther and farther down the government’s to do list each and every year. While amendment 64 gives us an alternative to the medical marijuana program, there is no guarantee that the amendment will indeed be passed. Even with one hundred college professors behind the ammendment, it is still all in the hands of the voters whether this ammendment passes or is overturned. But one thing that’s for sure is that marijuana prohibition has failed. After trying to force this issue down our throats for decades, it seems the government is finally letting up on marijuana.

What This Means For Users

colorado regulates marijuanaEssentially, amendment 64 will make marijuana just like alcohol. They will be controlled in the same way and only sold to those over the age of 21. While some things will change in the coming years, ammendment 64 seems like a great place to start legalizing marijuana. While the medical marijuana programs are also helpful, it would be nice if we could buy our marijuana at a drug store like alcohol. Here’s to hoping that ammendment 64 is passesd and marijuana can finally have back the legal status it deserves. If we legalized a drink that can destroy one’s liver over long periods of time, then why not let smokers have their smoke at the end of the day?

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