medical marijuana logoEven though many people try to show marijuana in a bad light, there are many benefits to be had from smoking the plant. It is indeed a very good alternative to lots of other substances that people use recreationally as it causes far less harm to the body. The high produced when smoking marijuana is also very mild in comparison to other drugs and gives users more of a relaxed feeling. This along with many other factors makes marijuana the second most widely used recreational drug on the planet coming in second only to alcohol. Many people like a buzz at the end of the day to calm their nerves and to get ready to go to sleep. Marijuana is a much safer alternative to other harder substances that are still in use today.

What Can Smoking Weed Do for You?

natural marijuanaOne of the best things about smoking marijuana is that it does not make users violent, or make them fiend for more of the stuff when they run out. Many other substances can produce a high with a manic feeling to it until the inevitable crash hours later. Marijuana’s subtle high gives just enough feeling but without all of the nasty side effects that other drugs can cause. When other drugs are being used, violence often ensues and this effects not only the user, but those around them as well. Drunk driving and an increase in domestic and sexual violence are all reported when the aggressor has been drinking, but marijuana does not seem to be tied into these offenses.

Everything in Moderation

Having read the first half of this article, smoking weed sounds like the way to go, right? While that may be true, smoking the stuff will get you nowhere if you choose to abuse it. Just like anything else in this world, too much of it can go to your head and cause adverse side effects. Some side effects that have been reported from marijuana abuse are loss of short term memory, loss of motor skills, and slower reactions in any situation you can think of. While these might not sounds as bad as those of many other substances, they are still things one would like to avoid. As long as you control your marijuana intake, it is a rather harmless plant that can still help one get their fix at the end of the day.

marijuana better than crackThe largest benefit of smoking marijuana would have to be the fact that it keeps users from using harder substances. If one simply mixes marijuana with these other drugs, not much is being done to help the body in the long run. Marijuana has been called a gateway drug to many as once the user is not satisfied with the high marijuana gives, they may look into trying harder drugs for that same effect. While this can be true, most users of marijuana stick to the plant exclusively as it is natural and not man made like many other drugs are. While there are many benefits to smoking cannabis, there are negative side effects that one should look into before trying the drug.