drying weedMany people are concerned with the state of drugs in our country. But this concern is actually contrary to what some folks might think. The war on drugs was initially just a scare tactic thought up by the government. This campaign of fear isn’t going to work anymore as the people of the world are growing more intelligent. We don’t want to be controlled by these silly laws that inhibit what we can put into our bodies. You might be surprised to hear that the great portion of America thinks the war on drugs is failing.

Colorado Marijuana Users

weedcuffsIt’s no secret in the smoking community that Colorado is a major state for marijuana consumption. Where marijuana is consumed, people are inevitably jailed up. This rule applies more to the past than it does now, but the injustices involving marijuana continue with raids on dispensaries. From the years 1986 to 2010 in Colorado, there have been 210,000 arrests of people with only small amounts of marijuana. It’s disgusting when one thinks of how much money went into this whole program that we all know is a lie. Going one step beyond this in cruelty, the police officers of Colorado have very racist tendencies when arresting people for pot. White marijuana users are far more common than black and latino users in this state. But cops arrest latinos twice as much as they do whites and black people are arrested three times as much as whites! The corruption of people that we put in power never ceases to amaze me.

Increasing Problems

Sadly, this problem isn’t getting any better at all. In fact, it’s getting much worse. During the first four years of this study, 1986 to 1990, only 19,000 people were arrested. But 55,000 people were arrested from 2006 – 2010. This just shows that cops are working harder to arrest people for marijuana, even though it’s not even a real drug. Sure it gets you high, but it is natural and grows in the ground. I’m sure marijuana is much safer to put into your body than some other substance would be. Even alcohol is much detrimental to one’s body than cannabis is. While both have their fair share of health problems they can cause down the road, death sounds like one I’d really like to avoid. It’s also interesting to note that most marijuana offenders are of a much younger crowd. In fact, 86% of those arrested for marijuana Colorado were under the age of 35 and 69% were 25 or younger.

What Can We Do to Fix This?

CO prop 64While frequent marijuana arrests are certainly a problem, there’s not much we can do about it at the moment. Those who have a lot of power will continue to abuse it until someone stands up to them. This rings truer in the police department at Colorado than anywhere else. If you really want to do all you can, Colorado’s state amendment 64 will pass many laws regarding marijuana. This is most certainly the best way to go for any smoker of marijuana from Colorado, even the casual ones.