Many people wonder whether or not cops get to keep what they seize from marijuana raids. The answer in some cases is yes. The federal government can bypass state proceedings and take whatever they want. This is then given to the law enforcement agencies for cooperating as a finder’s fee. Even though it’s corrupt and awful, this is the way marijuana raids are conducted these days.

Why It’s Wrong

There are so many things wrong with the way cops get to keep what they find in marijuana raids. The very drug they are going there to bust ends up in their pocket as a present to themselves. It’s sick really. Another problem with this is that cops don’t even need any reason to search for seizure. If they see something they want, they can take it even if the subject in question has done nothing wrong. It’s almost childish how cops get to put themselves above the law and act like they’re protecting us. All these marijuana raids are doing is putting marijuana in the lungs of the fat and happy and taking it away from the people who really need it. Cops should never have the right to take my property, but the fact is they do.

Bad Examples

police going crazyA case in Eugene, Oregon is outraging marijuana activists as well as the people it affected. When cops raided Curtis Shimmin’s marijuana facility, they seized $60,000 in cash, an automatic teller machine, and the man’s Sports Utility Vehicle. All of this stuff is never going to be seen again by Curtis all because the cops think they need it more than he does. This corruption with people in positions of power has got to stop. If you don’t think you’d be a good leader, don’t choose to lead. Bad cops spread their problems by taking them out on unfortunate individuals who are in the wrong place at the wrong time. Perhaps one good thing may come out of all of this. With everyone aware of all the destruction these cops are causing over marijuana, it might be a strong case for it to be legalized. This move would be nothing but beneficial to our country.

What Would Change With Legalization

police pot bustIf marijuana were finally legalized, it would change a lot of things for our country. Most importantly, children and teenagers wouldn’t be able to get their hands on the stuff because it would be regulated. Alcohol and tobacco have performed under this system splendidly for years and there’s no reason to think marijuana won’t as well. It also gets the drug off the streets so people don’t have to come into contact with it if they don’t use it. Alcohol is nothing more than a recreational drug and yet people make it out to be better than marijuana. But if you are concerned for your health at all, marijuana is much less harmful to the body than alcohol is. While this is not to say that marijuana is good for you, it does have many redeeming qualities that make it a better choice in most situations.