All of us in the marijuana culture know about 420 and how it is often used an excuse to smoke. Whether it be the time of day or the actual date, stoners all over the world rejoice when the clock strikes 4:20. Though most of us know about the time and of course the date, not many know how it actually ties in to the smoking culture. With many rumors circulating about it being somehow tied to Bob Marley, it is easy to see where someone could get confused about the meaning of the day. Though the time is more often observed as a time to smoke, the date 4/20 is a national counterculture holiday in which much of the world comes together to smoke cannabis. Though we may not know it, we are paying homage to some very specific people when we observe this particular holiday.celebrate 420

The Real Story

What few of us know is how this tradition of 420 really actually started. This union of cannabis and its companion 420 was originally made by a group of teenagers in San Rafael, California. The year was 1971 and these teenagers, The Waldos, used this term to describe an operation that went on in the fall of that year. The plan was to search for a large abandoned crop of weed that they had previously learned about. The campus’ statue of the great Louis Pasteur was designated as the meeting spot for the Waldos, with the meeting time being 4:20. This plan was referred to by the Waldos as Louis 4:20 and through multiple failed attempts, the phrase was shortened to simply 420. And from there, it was only a matter of time before the teens began using 420 as a term  for pot smoking in general.

celebrate 420 blunt

Steve Hages, the editor of high times, had a quote relating to this as well. Steve wrote the classic “Are You Stoner Smart or Stupid?” in October 1998 which claimed that 4:20 PM is the only hour one can smoke marijuana in a socially acceptable manner. Though many argue with Steve Hages’ quote, I find I agree with it to some degree. Smoking any earlier in the day is really detrimental to anything wants to do for the rest of the day. At 4:20, you’ve got everything done that needs to be done so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy some high quality cannabis.


Observances on 4/20


Observances for this holiday have been held in many countries other than the US including Canada and New Zealand. With such widespread support, it is no wonder that so many people want to legalize cannabis! Even if it is not totally legal, stoners can still relax and smoke without much fear as long as they are doing it legally. This counterculture phenomenon is growing in popularity at a rate that no one expected. Very soon, smoking marijuana might be the accepted view rather than refusing it. So many people use 4:20 to light it up, and the whole world uses 4/20 as an excuse to light it up fat all day. I hope that you are happy having read this article and now knowing where the term really came from.