Three states have serious marijuana initiatives on their ballots today. Oregon is the one that most people are saying is least likely to pass. But recent studies have shown that we are only behind the majority by a small 7% now! This means that Oregon residents still have a chance to make history this election day. If you still have not gotten up and voted, now is your time to do so. If you don’t exercise your right to vote, you are giving up the chance that you were given by the founding fathers of our country.

Oregon’s Fate After Election Day

end cannabis prohibition yes on 80 Because of what has been going on recently in California, many people are afraid that the federal government will simply shoot down this idea and continue furthering their own agenda. This is definitely the worst case scenario for Oregon citizens because it means an exact opposite of what our ancestors died for. If the members of the state decide that one policy is good for them, this does not mean the federal government should be able to police these policies as they please. While I understand that they are leading the country, I think they could spend a little less time sticking their nose into state business like they do in California and other medical marijuana states. Perhaps there is some kind of compromise that we can reach with the federal government.

Legalizing Marijuana

weed leaf out of neugsIf we want to fully legalize cannabis, we have to come to terms with the fact that this will never happen on a federal level, at least not at first. It is up to each and every state to decide that enough is enough when it comes to marijuana prohibition. Ending marijuana prohibition will be a historic day in American history once it does finally happen. It is up to us to make sure that that day comes sooner than later. Citizens of Oregon, Washington, and Colorado all have the ability to make a difference this election day. So whatever else you need to do today, make sure you get out there and vote! The ability for every man to have his voice heard is the principle that this country was founded upon. Vote for marijuana reforms in Washington, Colorado, or Oregon today before it’s too late!

The State of Oregon If This Initiative Fails

funny weed meme metric systemWhile this certainly is a tight race, it is still leaning slightly in favor of another couple years of waiting for Oregonian pot smokers. One can look at this as a bad thing, but there will certainly be marijuana legalization campaigns to follow. Simply getting such a high profile issue on the ballot proves that it is important enough to pass. Between 2014 and 2016, there will likely be a campaign seeking to legalize cannabis and end this awful prohibition in Oregon. With more and more states migrating over to the side of legal cannabis, the federal government is having a harder time keeping up with all of them. Hopefully, we can legalize marijuana in our whole country someday soon.